Thursday, January 19, 2006

Will always be there

People need people
No one can live alone and be happy...

Each person makes a complement with another and, at the end, that's what we are, part of something that most of the time takes differente shapes. All the time it is changing and feeling new things.
I change, you change, all of us change, and that's when we make a different complement that needs another new things for exist like itself.

If someone of this complement dissapears o betrays you.. for any reason... inmediately, you feel out of that entire... and incomplete...It's an imbalance...

Have you ever felt that way?

The quickliest solution... is back again to the last complement, the logic way.. is try to find it again.... but it's impossible. Because you feel something is missing... and time has to be spent to feel good again... to feel stable... and look for a new complement...
no... you don't look for a new complement.. you make it..

But in your memory... always... something of the past will be there.

Monday, January 16, 2006


The last time that someone read this... it was a problem....
I felt very bad and you too... and I don't want that happen anymore... so.... now.... I'll have to keep for me somethings... even I don't want to. But, however, I'll try to don't do that.

I'm happy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
very happy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
because almost everything is ok... except for some details... that can have a solution.. I hope so.

I're happy too... because your eyes tell me that when I look at into them.
You make me happy, I make you happy... jejeje.. we both are happy :D
I can't find the words to say what I'm feeling...

I just hope this last for a long time, because this has been so hard to get... and now, I feel we have a nice stability.


But... I have a problem... which is not that important... but I'm feeling... that... I've been bored...
so... I need to go somewhere.... right my girls?
this weekend... we are going to..........


I wanna see ya, girls :D

note: this update was so in great demand!! jejeje