Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Again & Again

I thought that I won't write about this anymore.... I didn't want to do it...
but... Here I am... again... and again...

I fall in this... again...
this doubts... few of them new... the others not so much...

I wish... I wish this could desappear... but I don't think it's possible

Christmas... New Year's Eve...
Special dates... difficult dates...
By one side.. I like them... because I'm going to begin a new part of my life... I'm going to give a new step.. but on the other side... I feel terrible... because it's time to think... to analize... and I see that I'm now really living what I want... I'm a prisoner of the other's reality... and I can see that always happened the same.
I'm tired of being afraid, I'm tired of think that we are in a thin line and we can fall in any second... I'm really afraid...
I'm near the edge... I don't wanna fall

2005.. was a completely different year... a change year...
I learned a lot of things... a met new people... I knew myself... My thoughts had another focus... I changed.
I'm in loved... I'm sad... this is not reciprocal... or may be yes.... but not in the same way... That's make me feel afraid too.
Again and Again...

But anyway, I think I'm more mature and that I need new things... I think...

Thursday, December 08, 2005

Several Miles from the Sun

I've never wanted to see the blue sky, like today I do
I've never wanted to see the sun, as I want to see you.

Tired of this darkness, I just wanna feel the hot air of the summer
and be with you all day, at night look at the stars and hold you.
Sun and you....

Tired of this darkness I almost see sun rays
and now,
some light is over my skin,
lighting my way up.
Tired of this darkness

I wanna see light

I wanna feel you

I wanna feel you warm

I wanna touch you
I wanna love you
I wanna be with you

Sun and you...

Is only what I want to see.


I miss December....